

Porsche Heritage Experience 2023, eFuels

What are eFuels?

eFuels (electric fuel) are synthetic, liquid fuels. They are produced from hydrogen obtained purely from renewable energy and CO₂ (carbon dioxide), which can be filtered from the ambient air, for example.

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Benefits of eFuels

Potentially almost CO₂-neutral

eFuels can enable potentially almost CO₂-neutral operation of petrol engines and thus reduce CO₂ emissions.

Can be used in any ICE*

Whether in the 911, plug-in hybrid vehicle - eFuels are relevant for all and no modifications are necessary.
*Internal Combustion Engine

Compatible with today's infrastructure

The aviation and shipping industries can also benefit from eFuels.

Together for climate protection

Porsche takes a holistic approach to sustainability. That is why we are focusing on a double E: electromobility and eFuels.

Sustainable production

eFuels can be produced with 100 percent renewable energy, from water and CO₂, for example from the air.

eFuels in detail more

Infographic, eFuels, 2024, Porsche AG

Pilot system

Together with international partners and the Chilean operating company Highly Innovative Fuels (HIF), we have ensured that synthetic fuel has been produced industrially in Punta Arenas in Chile since the end of 2022.

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Haru Oni eFuels pilot plant, Punta Arenas, Chile, 2023, Porsche AG

Insight into the eFuels production process

To produce eFuels, the first step is to break down water into its components hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) by electrolysis. The electrical energy for electrolysis comes from renewable sources. The hydrogen is then combined with CO₂, which is obtained directly from the atmosphere or from biogenic sources, to produce methanol, which is then converted into petrol or, depending on the process, kerosene.

