In his new role, the Deputy Chairman and Member of the Executive Board responsible for Finance and IT at Porsche AG wants to actively promote the advancement of young management talent. “The HHL is training our entrepreneurs and leaders of the future. The world needs capable and responsible young people who can take on the challenges of the future and the present effectively and sustainably,” says Meschke. “What sets the HHL apart, like Porsche, is its dedication and excellence. The HHL is also a pioneer in the field of digitalisation, as we are. Therefore it is a tremendous honour for me to be able to help shape the future of this long-standing institution as Chairman of the Supervisory Board and to continue the successful work of my predecessor Dr. Von Heydebreck.”

“With his professional background and orientation towards the issues of the future, Lutz Meschke will be able to give fresh impetus to the HHL as Chairman of the Su-pervisory Board." Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner

Dean of HHL Prof. Stephan Stubner is delighted to be working with Lutz Meschke: “With his professional background and orientation towards the issues of the future, Lutz Meschke will be able to give fresh impetus to the HHL as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. I have come to know him as an ambitious business partner who has a very precise understanding of the direction in which universities have to develop in order to create long-term value and remain relevant in research and teaching."

Meschke on the Supervisory Board of HHL since 2013

Meschke, 54, has sat on the Supervisory Board of HHL since 2013. Since that time, Porsche AG has supported the Chair of Strategic Management and Digital Entrepreneurship at Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL). Porsche Leipzig has also been a Premium Partner of SpinLab, the HHL accelerator, since 2016. Through this collaboration, the sports car manufacturer is enabling young people to work on their own ideas and develop them to business maturity. The aim is to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in Central Germany and beyond by providing practical support to start-ups and spin-offs.

The HHL supports business start-ups – and has received four awards from the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Founder’s Association for German Science) as the best university in Germany for entrepreneurship. The HHL has already produced 300 new companies with over 34,300 employees in total. Five of these start-ups are what are known as unicorns, companies valued at more than a billion US dollars.